Jeff Clark
Innovator | Shaper | Mavericks Pioneer |
Photo: Brandon Read
Surfing Big Waves
“Once you get in the ocean, you have to know, within yourself that that’s where you want to be.”
Big Wave Inflation Vest
100 % Self reliant inflatable rescue vest developed by Jeff Clark
Training & preparation
“You’ll have to train your brain to be happy without air.”
Jeff's Work Out Breakdown
Ocean Safety
“It takes time, dedication, calculation, and study. You have to study the ocean. If you don’t dig into the nuts and bolts how the ocean works, how water moves, the differences between a long interval swell and a short interval swell, the way your favorite beach changes when the waves are two feet to when it’s 10 feet. You have to add all that in your memory banks. That’s all stored memory that you need to draw on for your whole life of surfing.”
Big Wave Rescues
“If you see somebody going on a two-wave hold-down, you want to see them come up. You need to see them come up.”
Courses & Certifications
Seal For A Day
S.A.G. Stunt Boat Driver
Mavericks Water Patrol (Founder - 1995)
BMW Performance training - 2016
San Francisco Coast Guard - 2014
Jeff Clark’s Surf shops
Mavericks Surf Company
Mavericks Paddle Sports
Inflatable Rescue Vest
Legendary surfer, shaper and Mavericks pioneer Jeff Clark explains the need for inflatable rescue vests in big wave surfing and why he made his vest available to the public.
Before you buy a vest…
“I’ve rescued enough people that have had accidents, blown eardrums, where they couldn’t find the surface. If they had a vest on, some of my friends might still be alive today.”
Custom Surfboards
Custom Surfboards
Custom Big Wave Guns
Custom Foil Boards
Private surf tours
Jeff Clark is available for private coaching, guided surf trips and private tours customized anywhere in the world (maximum of 8 people)
Public Speaking
Blending key messages with riveting stories from surfing throughout the world, Jeff touches audiences by relating his experiences to organizational values.
Media Portfolio
Gear I trust
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