Kohl ChristensenSOLAR | OFF THE GRID | B.W.R.A.G. | BIG WAVE SURFER Photo:Fred Pompermayer Kohl ChristensenOff-the-grid | Solar | Co-founder B.W.R.AG. Sponsored by:PATAGONIA | FCD SURFBOARDS | XCRVZ SUNGLASSES legasea energy Big wave risk assessment group Websitesdeepwatersurf.comwww.bwrag.orgwww.legaseaenergy.com FollowFacebookInstagramPatagonia Work - Outs SurfS.U.P.Kite surfSwimBike MeditationYogaSnowboardingHiking Risk Management Surfboards MEDIA PORTFOLIO Relates Articles Find a rescue course Learn from the best Surf Rescue Vests Compare Inflation vests Swim stronger Learn to swim